Pillbox Hats
Pill box hat
One always will associate a pill box hat with Jacqueline Kennedy: stylish. Although you no longer see this kind of hat in the street scene, it is a real classic for official occasions.
Ceremonial hat A wedding or a PHD, there are so many occasions when you want to appear dressed. The pill box hat is popular, with this small and cute hat you will certainly look festive. It is the counterpart of the traditional ceremonial wide-brimmed hat. For the sad and solemn gathering the pill box hat also is very suitable and widely worn, for you are assured of a subdued appearance.
Veil A veil emphasizes the festive element even more. For those who feel bothered by it, of course there are pill box hats available without one. But it is a very charming detail which you can wear in different ways. As a decoration on the hat it is an embellishment, or you can wear the veil deeply over your eyes for a mysterious effect.
Bronté Amsterdam & pill box hats Woolfelt Isadora is a pill box with a veil, it stays firmly in place.met voile. You can choose from multiple coloursKies uit meerdere kleuren! A veil also adorns Iris as does an elegant bow in the same material as the hat: finely woven straw. Available in navy, bottle green and nude pink. Festive and summery is Jaylin in lively pink, also available in dark green, black and navy. Lena in black wool felt is a pill box hat with an outstanding veil, yet elegant and sophisticated.

Ceremonial hat - Isadora - black

Pillbox - Isadora - white with veil

Ceremonial hat - Isadora - Pink