Bronté Amsterdam /Vice Versa BV ( p/a Valkenburgerweg 13, 6367 GS Voerendaal, The Netherlands) is responsible for collecting personal data presented in this privacy statement.

Contact information: info(at) Lv.H.t.W.32, 6411 EZ Heerlen, The Netherlands.
Tel. +31 20 626 30 38 Amsterdam shop
Marly Vroemen is the Data Protection Officer of Vice Versa BV.

The personal data we work with

Bronté Amsterdam / Vice Versa BV uses and works with your personal data because you have made use of our services and/or you have provided this information to us. Below, you find an overview of the personal data that we work with:

  • First- and last name
  • Gender
  • Address information
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Additional personal data that you have provided to us, for example, creating a profile for our website, in a conversation or by phone.

Special or sensitive data we work with

Our website and/or service does not have the intention to collect data from our website visitors that are younger than 16 years or younger. Except when they have asked permission from their parents or guardian. We are not able to check if one of our visitors is younger than 16 years old. Therefore, we recommend parents to be involved in the online activities of their children, to prevent that data about children is being collected without the permission of their parents. In case you are convinced that we have collected data of a minor without parental permission, please contact us via info(at), and we will delete this data.

How and why we collect personal data

Bronté Amsterdam / Vice Versa BV works with your personal data for the following objectives:

  • to settle your payments
  • to send you our newsletter or brochure
  • to be able to offer our services
  • to inform you about changes in our services or products
  • to deliver our product at your address
  • Bronté Amsterdam /Vice Versa Int. Trading BV also uses personal data whenever we are required by law. For example, the use of data that is needed for our tax return (VAT).

Automatic decision making

Bronté shop / Vice Versa BV does not make decisions based on automatic assimilation, this is concerning decisions that affect people.

The data retention of personal data

Bronté shop / Vice Versa BV does not save your personal data for a longer period than necessary in order to achieve our goals and in which we need your data. We apply a data retention period of personal data of seven years for our personal administration (legally obliged). The personal data concerning our order administration is being retained for seven years after your last order, if not agreed in a different way by you.

Passing data to third parties

Bronte shop/Vice Versa BV does not sell your data to third parties and passes data on only when this is required in order to realize our agreement with you or in order to meet obligations by law. The companies who work with your personal data have agreed on a processing agreement to guarantee a continuation of securing your personal data. Bronte shop/ Vice Versa BV stays responsible for this assimilation.

Cookies or comparable techniques

Bronte shop / Vice Versa BV applies only technical and functional cookies and analytical cookies that do not violate your privacy. A cookie is a small piece of text that is being saved on your computer, tablet or smartphone, during the first time visiting this website. The cookies we apply are necessary for the technical functioning of this website and your user comfort. They make sure the website is functioning as it should be. You can unsubscribe for cookies by changing the setting of your internet provider in a way that it does not save any cookies anymore. Also, there is the possibility to delete all the data that is being saved in the past, by changing the setting of your browser.

Right to Access, Modify, Correct, and Delete Data

You have a general right to access, modify, correct, and delete data that concerns you. In addition, you also have the right to draw back your agreement or decline the assimilation of personal data by Bronte shop / Vice Versa BV. Also, you have the right to data sharing. This means that you can request that we send the personal data we have from you in a document, to you or to another, by your requested company. You can also request to adjust, delete, share or review the personal data or request to cancel the agreement of assimilation of your personal data. To ensure that the request of reviewing is done by yourself, we ask for a photocopy of your passport, MRZ (machine readable zone), passport number and citizen service number. We do this to protect your privacy. We will respond as soon as possible, which will be within four weeks, at your request. Bronte shop / Vice Versa Int. Trading BV wants to make clear that you have the possibility to complain at the national caretaker, the authority of personal data. This can be done via the following link:

The protection of personal data

Bronte shop / Vice Versa BV takes the protection of your data very seriously and takes necessary actions to prevent abuse, loss, unauthorized access, undesired publication and unauthorized changes of personal data. In case you have the impression that your personal data is not secured well or there is an indication of abuse, please contact our customer service or via:

K.v.K No.: 93 899 289
VAT/BTW No.: NL866 566 090B01